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Over-the-air television channels are divided into two bands: the VHF band which comprises channels and occupies frequencies between MHz, and the UHF band, which comprises channels and occupies frequencies between MHz..Digital cable channels typically are allocated above 552 MHz, the upper frequency of cable channel 78. Cable channels above channel 13 are at lower frequencies than UHF broadcast channels with the same number, as seen in North American cable television frequencies. .
North American television frequencies are different for over-the-air also called terrestrial and cable television systems. Over-the-air television channels are .Table of CATV/FM/TV Frequencies. sent back up to the cable system headend whereupon it is broadcast outbound on the community cable access channel..This table is the frequency chart in MHz for the US designated Television VHF TELEVISION FREQUENCIES. BAND Frequencies Used by Wireless Cable..Cable TV/Broadcast TV Frequency Allocations. CHAN -----------BROADCAST------ ----- --------------CABLE------------ Lower Video Audio Upper Video Audio HRC .
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