Sega Genesis Scart Cable Stereo
This ROM cartridge patches the Spectrum 's LOAD and SAVE routines to receive and send data via a RS232 serial port, thereby allowing programs to be loaded/saved directly from/to a PC. The ROM cartridge provides support for the Spectrum 128 RS232 socket, the Spectrum 128 KEYPAD .Describes the 'ZX Spectrum with ZX Interface 1 ' ZX Interface 2 ROM cartridge. The wiring of a RS232 cable suitable for connection to a PC is identical to that .Purchase ZX Spectrum 4MB Programmable ROM Cartridge + ZX Interface 1 RS232 cable from you can save your old, good Spectrum programs directly to your PC, or transfer a A special RS232 cable, suitable with your Zx Interface One, is required..
A peripheral from Sinclair Research for its ZX Spectrum home computer, the ZX Interface 1 was It also included a DE-9 RS-232 interface capable of operating at up to 19.2 kbit/s a rare in .Describes the ZX Spectrum ROM with RS232 load and save facilities ZX Interface 2 ROM cartridge.. Compr el "ZX Interface 1" en eBay, luego hice un programa en visual studio 2008 para cargar y leer programas entre el PC y el ZX Spectrum.. Information on MIDI and the ZX Spectrum is available on the net but it is a bit more The white cable is connected to the RS232/MIDI port. Yes .
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Rgb For Zx Spectrum A 3
2001 Paul Farrow///Sinclair/Spectrum128/SCARTCable - 1 - RGB for ZX Spectrum 128, +2, +2A, +3 Introduction .
Sinclair Zx Spectrum Home Computer Storage Solutions
We provide ZX Microdrives and PlusD Disk Interfaces for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum..
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